Oct 28, 2011

Animation Saga

The second and third parts of my animation movies are rendered. All that’s left is choosing sound clips and sound effects. Edit everything, and ta da! My first animation!

Well, it’s still part of the most boring animation (nothing happens) but I feel proud of myself for the first time (maybe second, or third hahaha).

So thanks for watching, and Tôi muốn ăn đậu đen”

Oct 26, 2011

My first animation

Being on the top rank of the most boring animations, here are the first 11 seconds of my Fly-through project.

Oct 24, 2011

Never Smile at a Monkey

The book project was done a few weeks ago, but not uploaded. So check out the new cover book and one of the inside pages (the only one that I made it actually lol)

Environment Texturing

Finally the temple and the environment that took me so long to model now have they textures done!

It's so good when work is done.